News and recipes

News and recipes


A hugely successful launch for the Missiska cheese shop!

In beautifully sunny weather, the official opening of the Missiska cheese shop / boutique took place on June 1 in Bedford, in the form of a late-afternoon gathering. Close to 200 guests, journalists…


Aligot with Missiska cheddar

Preparation: 20 minutes / Cooking: 25 minutes / Portions: 4 Ingredients 1.25 l (5 cups) Yukon Gold potatoes, peeled and cubed 125 ml (1/2-cup) 35% cream 4 garlic cloves, chopped 60 ml (1/4-cup…


The Jersey breed: one of the world’s oldest!

The Jersey breed originated on the English island of the same name, located not far off the French coast in the Normandy region. However, the actual founding of the breed took place in Africa, which…