Jersey milk

Jersey milk

Produced according to high standards of quality, the Jersey milk from Missiska farm is ideally constituted for producing cheeses of excellence. Of a beautiful “cream” color, it has a fresh, pure taste. Rich in fat, proteins and nutrients, this is one of the finest milks for cheese production.

Jersey milk

“Jersey milk is distinguished by its cream color, and is both appealing and invigorating, which lends cheeses unique properties in terms of texture and flavor. It’s been called the champagne of milk.”

A few figures

A few figures

Compared with the milk normally found in grocery stores, Jersey milk contains:

  • 18% more protein
  • 29% more fat (ideal for cheese production)
  • 20% more calcium

According to Journal of Dairy Science, if we compare it to cheese production derived from the most popular milk, cheese made from 100 percent Jersey milk requires:

  • 32% less water
  • 11% less land

And its carbon footprint is 20 percent lower.