The Missiska product range

The Missiska product range

Discover the one-of-a-kind taste and texture of the Missiska product line, derived from creamy Jersey milk and with no added preservatives. Only milk from our farm goes into the cheeses we make. Our focus is on ensuring quality from start to finish of the process!

Missiska milk and yogurts

Enjoy the unique taste and creaminess of our non-homogenized Jersey milk and our yogurts, too!



Creamy, in a plain or flavored version.

Non-homogenized milk

Non-homogenized milk

Creamy taste. Rich in fat and minerals, with a characteristic gourmet’s yellow color.

Missiska cheeses

Treat yourself to our Jersey cheeses, made with “the champagne of milk” and melting in the mouth: the soft jersey royal, the Missiska cheddar, the cooked pressed Missiska and the fresh white Jersey.

Block or curd cheese

Missiska cheddar

Block or curd cheese
Creamy texture. Fresh-cheese taste, less salty than other cheddars on the market thanks to a slow cheddaring carried out by hand.

Jersey royal

Jersey royal

10-day ripened soft cheese
Flavors of butter and cream. Milky taste, rich and creamy.